HKUST Annual Report 2021-2022
16 Jointly developed by both campuses, the MPhil/PhD in Public Policy is being integrated with the MPhil/PhD in Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship, reflecting the cross-disciplinary nature of the two programs and exploring the linkages between the three areas in addressing global challenges and the development of society. Alongside, the MSc in Technology and Policy and a revamped Master of Public Policy are being designed to complement each another. While the latter will focus on public policy theories and practices from a traditional science perspective, the former will concentrate on equipping students with cutting-edge knowledge in technology sectors and bridging the divide between industry and government. Exclusive to HKUST(GZ), the Master of Business Administration in Innovation and Entrepreneurship aims to cultivate new generations of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and business leaders. The program integrates business with science and engineering, and provides students with practical experience of venture capital investment and entrepreneurship. Unlike traditional MBAs, which are oriented toward general management, the new program emphasizes cross- disciplinary and project-based training for business administration. Another frontier HKUST(GZ) master’s program is the MSc in Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence Technology. This targets students seeking academic literacy in big data and AI, hands-on project experience, and industry internships with the goal of becoming future technology leaders, as well as big data and AI professionals aspiring to move ahead in their careers. Other initiatives to build cross-campus interaction include the development of a funding scheme under the “Unified HKUST, Complementary Campuses” framework to enhance collaboration. The Research Postgraduate Integration Fund will offer support for student supervisors who participate in cross-campus joint supervision of HKUST(GZ) students on single degree programs while guiding principles for cross- campus joint appointments were established to facilitate faculty in undertaking cross-campus research postgraduate student supervision. ENHANCING HOLISTIC EDUCATION Beyond t he c l ass r oom, unde r g r adua t es and postgraduates were empowered to innovate through the “Changemaker 30” campaign. Organized as part of the University’s 30th Anniversary events, the program helped close to 300 students explore different social issues and sharpen their changemaking skills to
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