HKUST Annual Report 2021-2022

41 HKUST Annual Report 2021-2022 Best-in-Class Operations interviews virtually. In addition, affiliate appointments continued to be offered to faculty members joining HKUST(GZ) to enhance interaction and synergy between the Clear Water Bay and Guangzhou campuses. Strengthening of the University’s performance culture took place through implementation of a management and leadership development program for senior administrators, a series of general/supervisory management training on service mindset for frontline staff, and workplace communication and coaching. To promote continuous learning, plans advanced further for a talent development program for staff, due to launch in 2023. The year also saw the former Gender Discrimination Committee replaced by the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Committee, which oversees a broader spectrum of diversity and equal opportunity matters to support an inclusive and caring university environment. SAFEGUARDING HEALTH AND STAYING VIGILANT HKUST offices and colleagues quickly collaborated to safeguard the health and safety of the University community amid the fifth wave of the pandemic. The University’s Conference Lodge and certain halls of residence were set aside to enable members of HKUST to isolate/quarantine on campus. Other measures to counter COVID-19 included on-campus vaccination sessions for more than 1,500 HKUST members and distribution of 90,000 rapid antigen test (RAT) kits. By May 31, 2022, all University members and residents had to have undertaken three shots of COVID vaccine to access the campus in line with the government’s vaccine pass conditions.