HKUST Annual Report 2021-2022

44  Landscape, Water, and Well-being The University began earnest interventions into the three new areas of focus embraced by the 2028 Challenge. To create a more sustainable landscape, the University established a set of sustainable performance goals for the landscape contractor, building incentives for measurable actions that improve sustainable campus conditions. For water, an investigation revealed that significant water is wasted through the University’s air conditioning system. This will now be recaptured and used in the cooling towers. Meanwhile, the advancement of well-being moved ahead with a series of surveys and focus groups to learn more about working conditions and how to foster an environment where students and staff feel engaged and welcome. The resulting insights are being evaluated by a newly formed working group that will develop recommendations for policy changes. See A Glance at HKUST 2021-2022 for details of the University’s sustainability performance. EMPOWERING MINDSETS FOR SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES The Sustainability/Net-Zero Office was established in September 2021, placing specific emphasis on net- zero carbon emissions by 2050. The Office will develop a roadmap for the University campus to meet Hong Kong’s goal of halving carbon emissions before 2035 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Endeavors implemented over the year include the launch of the Incentive Scheme for Net-Zero Carbon Research Projects in collaboration with HKUST’s GREAT Smart Cities Institute, which encourages members to undertake large-scale research projects that can contribute to net-zero carbon goals on campus and regionally. The Office will also facilitate links between the Clear Water Bay and Guangzhou campuses through activities to share and implement sustainable smart innovations. One outcome was the launch of the inaugural cross- campus Sustainable Smart Campus Net-Zero Journey: Innovation Challenge in June 2022, which was an 8-day certificate training program bringing together students from both campuses to accelerate the University’s realization of net-zero.