HKUST Annual Report 2022-2023

66 67 Consolidated Balance Sheet AS AT 30 JUNE 2023 2023 2022 $million $million Non-Current Assets  Property, Plant and Equipment 7,350 6,938  Intangible Assets 16 16  Right-of-use Assets 16 31  Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income 605 518  Financial Assets at Fair Value through Income and Expenditure 10,122 8,424  Interest in an Associate 95 100  Bank Deposits with Original Maturity over Three Months 41 0 18,245 16,027 Current Assets  Financial Assets at Amortised Cost 0 39  Inventories 1 1  Accounts Receivable and Prepayments 656 399  Bank Deposits with Original Maturity over Three Months 2,339 3,318  Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,444 1,351 4,440 5,108 Current Liabilities  Accounts Payable and Accruals 1,052 1,053  Lease Liabilities 11 14  Provision for Staff Benefits 169 193  Deferred Income 2,349 1,871  Tax Payable 1 1 3,582 3,132 Net Current Assets 858 1,976 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 19,103 18,003 Non-Current Liabilities  Accounts Payable and Accruals 47 48  Lease Liabilities 6 18  Provision for Staff Benefits 38 39  Deferred Income 611 1,078  Deferred Capital Funds 5,220 4,852 5,922 6,035 NET ASSETS 13,181 11,968 UGC Funds 4,285 3,849 Restricted Funds 1,963 1,852 Other Funds 6,933 6,267 TOTAL FUNDS 13,181 11,968 Approved by the Council on 26 October 2023