HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024

13 HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024 Learning for Life Leading the Way in Transformational Fields An incubator of pioneering programs and champion of student self-development, the Interdisciplinary Programs Office was elevated to the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) in 2023-24 to steer new academic directions and empower cross-field innovators equipped to generate novel insights and solutions. In addition to current focuses, the Academy is set to explore initiatives in emerging areas, such as AI for education, the metaverse, art tech, biodesign, and interdisciplinary scientific computing. It has expanded the Common Core Curriculum’s signature Undergraduate Research Oppo r t un i t i es Pr og r am (UROP ) i n t o t he new Undergraduate Experiential Opportunities Program (UxOP), which now includes streams on teaching, practice, and global challenges as well as research. The migration of the Division of Integrative Systems and Design to AIS in September 2023 has enhanced the positioning of its interdisciplinary programs and research. Preparation for the first Hong Kong Division of Arts and Machine Creativity, launched on July 1, 2024, was another important AIS focus during the year, driving forward the University’s strategic goal to become a leading interdisciplinary center where technology and art converge to fuel creativity and innovation. Launching Hong Kong’s 1st Division of Arts and Machine Creativity