HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024
HKUST recognizes it is crucial that we create and maintain an inclusive and open campus community and actively expand our engagement with diverse sectors of wider society for future academic vigor, creativity, and contribution. 35 HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024 Spirit of Togetherness that Fuels Improved Lives Building on the successful reintroduction of Global Service Day as part of the “Connect for Change” initiative in 2023, over 460 dedicated student, staff, and alumni volunteers undertook over 40 community service projects, all aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The service day provided a visible display of the 1-HKUST spirit, strengthening the University’s commitment to a culture of contribution. The collective endeavors ranged from projects for the elderly for good health and well-being to education initiatives to nurture quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.
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