HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024

39 HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024 insights from mentors. To further support a dynamic and resilient workforce, wellness programs on wide-ranging themes were launched to promote mental and physical health. Over 130 psychoeducation workshops and wellness activities were held, benefiting over 12,000 students and staff members. Special leave for participating in voluntary service, wellness, diversity and equal opportunities initiatives are also now in place. Fostering Alumni Unity and Engagement The University and alumni groups organized more than 160 events worldwide over the year to step up bond-building and the 1-HKUST spirit. In Hong Kong, a large-scale University-wide alumni reunion was held on campus in January 2024. The day featured an array of sustainability-focused activities, from talks to tours and family events, and brought together over 2,000 people. The Convocation Monthly Meet-up Series continued to provide an energizing avenue to engage and inspire alumni to support HKUST, including through donations to the HKUST Alumni Endowment Fund (AEF). An HKUST Alumni Association dinner in November 2023 also raised funds for the AEF. In February 2024, an Appreciation Reception cum Chinese New Year Celebration recognized the contribution of alumni, donors, and supporters of HKUST. The occasion enabled attendees to interact with University Council members, senior administrators, faculty, and students to learn more about our progress and accomplishments.