HKUST Annual Report 2023-2024

50 Sustainable Horizons Environmental Achievements * 2014-15 as baseline Landfill Waste 47% Greenhouse Gas 34% Recyclables 860% Water, Landscape, and Biodiversity The University underwent a water consumption review across all operational areas ranging from laboratories, catering, landscaping, and building services. Outcomes include upgrading all showerheads in student halls with Grade 1 fixtures, as well as establishing a water consumption baseline for landscape irrigation. Overall, fresh water consumption has decreased by 10% compared with 2014 despite significant campus growth. In landscape-related moves, chemical fertilizers for campus grounds were replaced with an organic material, while publication of HKUST’s tree felling and planting policy boosted tree management. Empowering Green Mindsets of Tomorrow HKUST continued to facilitate awareness and education campaigns as project manager of the Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme (JCSCCP). The Programme, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, seeks to promote SDG Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production across the campuses of its eight university members. Over 2023-24, activities under the three main themes included: Responsible Choices Saving Resources A collaboration with Ecobus promoted awareness and tips on water and energy conservation in daily living across the campuses of JCSCCP’s eight members. The campaign engaged with over 6,500 students through in- person and online activities. Responsible Consumption AI-Driven Reusable Meal Container Lending System Following HKUST’s successful campus installation of the first container vending and reverse vending machines of their kind among Asia-Pacific universities in summer 2023, machines were installed on the campuses of all member institutions.